
„Landscape can not be beautiful, if there are no peaks on the skyline“

The chine of the Ukrainian Carpathians extends across Zakarpatya from the northwest to the northeast. The highest mountain ridge determines the administrative border between Zakarpatska, Lvivska and Ivano-Frankivska regions. The frontier with Slovakia and Poland in the northwest and with Rumania in the southeast passes along this mountain ridge.

The highest mountain of the Ukrainian Carpathians is Goverla (2060 m). It is called “the highest point of Ukraine”. The Carpathians serve as the boundary between Zakarpatya and continental Ukraine cutting off blasts from the northeast and southeast. This process contributes to comparative difference of the climate of Zakarpatya from the climate of the rest of Ukraine.

Prydunaiska lowland extends southward from the Carpathians chine. The warm streams of the Mediterranean air penetrate deep into Zakarpatya right up to the Carpathians chine. This stipulates for hot and long summer and mild snowy winter. The mountains by themselves represent smooth, without any rocky ridges, peaks – polonyna. Polonyna is a plot of mountains at a height of 1400m and higher. The peculiarity of it is the complete absence of any forest. Prevalent grass and shrubs coating of plateau makes for vegetation of delicious berries such as bilberries and red bilberries. A little lower on the mountainside one can always come across the undergrowth of blackberries.

In summer the numerous flocks of sheep, tended by shepherds from April till November, supplement the mountainous landscape. Everyone can observe an interesting process of sheep milking in the polonyna. And just after the process of milking here, at the scene of it, the shepherds make sheep’s cheese. Later tasty brynza will be made of cottage cheese.

The main part of the Carpathians is covered with coniferous and beech forests. In consequence the Carpathians are called “the lungs of Europe”.

Besides fir and beech there are many other trees in the Carpathians like oak, maple, hornbeam, larch, alder-tree, cherry-tree, nut-tree and even yew-tree, the age of which reaches one thousand.

In the mountainous massifs caves and rock salt deposits were formed many thousands years ago. Some salt lakes resembling the Dead Sea are situated on the deposits. They are of less size, but of the same medicinal qualities.

The true main treasure of the Carpathians is the great number of mineral springs. They are similar by their mixtures to such famous waters as Borzomi and Essentuki-2. The absence of any charge and prohibition on their usage, the fact of allocation in the middle of wild and virgin nature, strong and diverse characteristics will provide your rest with additional benefits.

For you, skiers, we propose three types of winter rest:

  • Mountain. There is a mountain-ski route 700m long with elevator and intervening supports passing our recreation department. Skiing is possible from November till April (sometimes till June). The route is intended for beginners and average skiers. There is a hire center at the recreation department where you can get skis and necessary equipment. At your request our instructors will teach you. There is also the cafe for skiers, which is situated on their way.
  • Extreme. We will organize for you an interesting walk to forest and polonyna. While walking you will have the possibility to ski using wide wooden skis. That leaves unforgettable impression. On your way you can meet the different representatives of the Carpathians’ fauna: red deer, lynx, wood grouse etc. You will have halt at Gutsul’s kolyba and treat yourself to shashlyk and brynza.
  • Racing. Presence of summer footpaths provides the visitors with chance to ski along them using race skis. They are available.
NEWS: 03/07/2000: Holding "horse routes" is temporarily stopped.




(JPG, 58 KB), Route #2 (JPG, 61KB), Route #3 (JPG, 102KB)

Route #1 (equestrian), Route #2 (equestrian, for experienced tourists), Route #3 (the same as #2).

EXCURSION #1- equestrian (on horseback, by brychka)
From the tourist center "Lake Synevir" to Lake Synevir and round it. (Summer, winter)

EXCURSION #2 - equestrian (on horseback, by brychka)
From the tourist center "Lake Synevir" to the museum of timber rafting (Summer)

According to standards on containing negative air ions in the air of industrial and living quarters the necessary minimum is 600 ions/cm3. The optimal level is 3000-5000 ions/cm3. Negative air ions are called vitamins of air because they help to treat bronchitis, hypertension, neural disorder and bronchial asthma. Positive air ions are the killers of human organism. Now it is for you to choose:

  • The air of city apartments contains 50-100 negative ions/cm3
  • The air of city streets contains 100-500 negative ions/cm3
  • Forest and sea air contains 1000-5000 negative ions/cm3
  • The air of mountain resorts contains 5000-10000 negative ions/cm3
  • The air in the region of waterfalls contains 10000-50000 negative ions/cm3
  • The air after thunderstorm contains 50000-100000 negative ions/cm3

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