Lake Synevir
Mizhgirshchyna is justly considered to be the most picturesque
nook of Zakarpatya. Mizhgirshchyna attracts the travelers by its
woody mountains, hazy polonynas, rapid rivers the Tereblya and
the Black River and medicinal springs of mineral water like Burkug.
since olden times it is considered that the most precious and
important treasure of the Mizhgirshchyna is Lake Synevir (“Morske
Oko” or “Sea Eye”) at a height of 989 meters above sea level.
It was generated in ice age as a result of damming because of
landslide. The narrow was filled up with water of three mountain
streams. The size and depth of the lake depend on rainfall. The
average square of this lake is 4-5 hectares; the depth is 8-10
meters. The deepest point is about 22 meters. Lake trout, rainbow
trout and stream trout feel fine in clear cold water of Synevir.
Slim fir trees stand in beauty around “Morske Oko”. They are aged
museum of timber rafting on
the territory of Synevir is the unique and single museum throughout
the whole Europe. It is placed on the Black River. Here one can
familiarize with the ancient tools of woodcutters and timber-floaters
or so-called bokorashi; can see different domestic and dwelling
houses. The visitors have chance to walk to the dam and breathe
a salubrious odor of fresh air and admire the scenery on their
fertile land of Mizhgirshchyna gives birth to blackberries, bilberries,
red bilberries, raspberries, strawberries and hazelnuts. Anybody
can enjoy these gifts of nature strolling through the mountains,
forests and valleys. One can come across different representatives
of forest fauna such as deer and bear, roe and wild boar, wolf
and lynx, fox and hare and a lot of other animals. Owl, woodpecker,
wood grouse and eagle chance upon more often than other birds
in the region.